The Forbidden Tome of Equestria
The Forbidden Tome is a condensed (simplified) and compiled player-character creation reference for Tails of Equestria, which pulls from four official sources: The Core Rulebook, The Movie Sourcebook, The Bestiary of Equestria, and The Compendium of Equestria.
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Player Races
Talent: Stout Heart (d6) at Level 1
(Cutie Mark Talent of Choice) (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Telekinesis (d6) at Level 1
(Cutie Mark Talent of Choice) (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Fly (d6) at Level 1
(Cutie Mark Talent of Choice) (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Fly (d6) at Level 1
(Cutie Mark Talent of Choice) (d6) at Level 1.
Quirk: Crystal Heart
Talent: Telekinesis (d6) at Level 1
(Cutie Mark Talent of Choice) (d6) at Level 1.
Quirk: Crystal Heart
Talent: Stout Heart (d6) at Level 1
(Cutie Mark Talent of Choice) (d6) at Level 1.
Quirk: Crystal Heart
Talent: Nimble (d6) at Level 1
Talent: Rogue (d6) at Level 1
Talent: Swashbuckle (d6) at Level 1
Talent: Keen Knowledge (Navigation) (d6), or Talent: Special Skill (Piloting) (d6), at Level 1
Talent: Fly (d6) at Level 1 (on land), which becomes Talent: Special Skill (Swimming) (d6) while in water.
Talent: Honorable (d6) at Level 1
Talent: Bulk (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Shrewd (d6) at Level 1
Talent: Fly (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Fire Breath (d6) at Level 1
Quirk: Dragon Greed
Talent: Fly (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Talons (d6) at Level 1
Talent: Special Skill (Stampede) (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Thick Hide (d4) at Level 1
Talent: Burrow (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Special Skill (Tracking) (d6) at Level 1
Talent: Fly (d4) at Level 1.
Talent: Telekinesis (d4) at Level 1.
Talent: Stout Heart (d4) at Level 1.
Talent: Morph (d6) at Level 1.
Quirk: Changeling
Talent: Telekinesis (d6) at Level 1, becomes Fire Control (d6) in "Nirik" form.
Talent: Kirin Heart (d6) at Level 1.
Quirk: Nirik
Talent: Spider Climb (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Web Sling (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Tremor Sense (Web) (d6) at Level 1.
Quirk: Creepy-Crawly
Talent: Booksmart (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Message (Scroll) (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Fly (d6) at Level 1.
Quirk: Weakness (Fire) (d6)
Talent: Crafting (d6) at Level 1.
Talent: Thick Hide (d4) at Level 1.
Quirk: Fussy
Clear clouds and create rain.
Once per session, you may chooes to use this talent for any test.
"Umbrella" Talent
In a contest against a pony's force-field, the difficulty is set by the talent dice.
Once per session, you may heal Stamina equal to this talent dice roll, not to exceed maximum Stamina.
"Umbrella" Talent
"Umbrella" Talent
Choose one type of object (fire, gems, metal, wood, water, or self-defined other.)
You may sense trouble in an adventure an amount of times equal to your talent dice.
"Umbrella Talent"
Choose one type of animal to communicate with (birds, fish, insects, mammals, mythical creatures, reptiles, or self-defined others.) As you upgrade this talent, you can add additional animal types.
"Umbrella Talent"
Your "Body" dice is upgraded 1x at Level 1.
Once per session, you may roll this dice and add it to a Body Roll.
A target makes a body roll, and looses Stamina equal to the (Stun Ray – Body).
Unless Stun Ray rolled a 1, in which the Stun Ray user looses Stamina.
Can be used to move objects, or create light without moving an object.
The minimum difficulty for a few feet of teleportation is "5."
If you are able to look into the eyes of another creature, challenge Talent (Stare) to their Mind. If successful, the target is frozen and prone to suggestion.
You can only use Stare once per creature per session.
1x Upgrade on Body Rolls involving Strength
1x Downgrade on Body Rolls involving Speed
Additionally, once per session may add “Bulky” roll to a relevant “Body” roll.
1x Upgrade on Body Rolls involving Speed
1x Downgrade on Body Rolls involving Strength
Additionally, once per session may add “Nimble” roll to a relevant “Body” roll.
Used in situation to command respect or influence courage.
Additionally, once per session, you may inspire another character to set aside a dice equal to your Honorable Dice to add to a future roll.
Three times per session, you can choose to either 1x Downgrade your own dice, or 1x Upgrade your opponent's dice.
Regardless of outcome of the downgraded/upgraded test, you set aside a “Rogue” dice to add to a future dice roll.
Used to discern true intentions and identity.
Additionally, once per session, you can challenge your Shrewd Dice versus Charm Dice to convince a faction of your “Esteemed” status (as long as they are not already unfriendly or hostile toward you.)
Can be used in place of "Body" rolls, if done with extra flourish.
If successful, you can use Charm Dice to replace Body or Mind rolls in the same "scene".
Talent (Engulf) versus Body.
Create and/or Control Electricity
Talent (Shock) versus Body. +1 Damage if Target is touching Metal (even if 0 Damage otherwise.)
Talent (Magic Resistance) versus Talent (Magical)
If Magic Resistance wins, the Talent (Magical) is null. If Magic Resistance wins by double or more, the Talent (Magical) is used against the opponent.
2x Upgrade
1x Upgrade
No Change
1x Downgrade
2x Downgrade